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This is our Equality Plan for the personal growth of our team

In a period of full growth and consolidation at an international level, at Logisfashion we are committed to the personal development and training of our team through our Equality Plan. An initiative that promotes a respectful, mindful work environment with equal opportunities for all people, without discriminating on the basis of nationality, gender, sexual, political and religious orientation, or any other condition.

This plan, signed four years ago, has received the consensus of the entire company, made up of 60.4% women and 39.6% men. The details of the agreement apply throughout Spanish territory and focus on the objectives that Logisfashion has adopted as principles: equal opportunities in the selection, promotion and professional development processes; establishment of the culture of equality throughout the company; equitable remuneration as opposed to the wage gap; family reconciliation and occupational health applied with a gender perspective; and protection of the integrity of victims of gender-based violence.

In addition, in the company we wanted to make visible both the harassment protocol and the rest of the Equality Plan through local initiatives in each centre aimed at all employees, regardless of their position.

Equality must be everyone’s job. Multinational entities such as Logisfashion also have the responsibility to lay the foundations for change, continue to develop the talent of our team, break the glass ceiling and build a more equal society that promotes growth while addressing gender issues”, adds Miriam Granados, corporate HR director.

As stipulated in Royal Decree-Law 6/2019 of the Official State Gazette of Spain (BOE) regarding the adoption of urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities in employment and occupation, as of 7 March 2022 it is mandatory to have an Equality Plan in companies with more than 50 workers. In this sense, and through the communication of the agreement, at Logisfashion we have joined this regulation to ensure a comfortable, protected and violence-free work environment for our entire team.


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