Preparations are well underway for the opening of the second logistics hub in Rondelets de la Selva (Gerona), with the aim of furthering bolstering our presence in Catalonia while enhancing our customer service capabilities in response to the increase in activity. In this regard, we will now be able to offer three facilities with a capacity of 45,000 square meters devoted to logistics management.
In this new facility, we will house products for renowned clients such as TAO (The Animal Observatory) and Jatro (Cole Hann, No Name, Náutica), placing the spotlight on meeting brand needs in constant growth. Specifically, we predict that the hub will process stock levels of 100,000 units, managing a stock flow of 14,000 weekly units.
Upon commencing our professional endeavors 27 years ago in the Barcelona town of Palau de Plegamans with a warehouse measuring just 1,800 m2, this new logistics hub is opened in the Riudellots industrial estate to harness its strategic location alongside the one we already have in the same area.

A site that facilitates national and international connection to serve clients both in Spain and abroad, which guarantees efficiency on a distribution level. A state-of-the-art facility that further bolsters our presence in the national market and enhances our customer service capabilities.
“Riudellots offers a strategic location, very close to the airport and the main roadways that facilitate efficient distribution both in national as well as international terms, allowing us to provide our clients with a standout service.” said José María Ortíz, Sales Manager at Logisfashion Spain.
With the unveiling of this new logistics hub in Riudellots[DK1] , we now offer a total of 10 hubs throughout all of Spain. As a whole, these hubs account for a surface area of more than 300,000 square meters, with a view to offering logistics solutions of the very highest standard and greater capacity for processing, preparation and storage of goods.

“At Logisfashion, we are committed to excellence and ongoing improvement, as well as showing our willingness to adapt to the changing needs of our clients and the actual market. For this reason, the opening of our new logistics hub in Riudellots will allow us the chance to bolster our capacity in Catalonia to distribute goods throughout Europe, as well as accompanying our clients in their growth processes, particularly with a view to the upcoming Black Friday campaign” Jose Maria Ortiz explained.
The opening of this logistics hub bears witness to our commitment to our clients’ success and places the spotlight on ever changing market needs. Through the foregoing, we continue to expand our global operational capacity placing the onus on meeting the changing needs of our clients and staying at the forefront of the logistics industry; at the same time, we continue with our strategic growth plan, with which we have set ourselves the objective of reaching 160 million euros in billing by the end of 2023.