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Fulfillment affects more than 65% of the customers’ shopping experience

Logisfashion, a multinational firm specializing in logistics applied to the fashion and lifestyle sectors, has released the results of its latest survey carried out through its social media channels on Spanish entrepreneurs and workers to address the trends and problem areas faced by the logistics sector.

 The survey has displayed that there is greater interest in fulfillment now than in previous years, with this having become an essential component for the success of sales operations, particularly within the sphere of electronic commerce.

According to the findings posted, 46% of those surveyed consider that their customers’ shopping experience has a direct bearing on consumer loyalty and the brand’s reputation by more than 65%.

In tandem with this, a growing trend is observed towards outsourcing this fulfillment partly due to the swift upsurge in eCommerce. The decision to outsource this process is boosted by diverse factors, with the streamlining or adapting of costs being the main reason in 51% of the cases, while also ensuring capability and scalability during peak demand periods or special campaigns The truth is that more and more companies increasingly turn to specialist partners to streamline their fulfilment logistics processes in order to obtain direct economic gains alongside more efficient management systems.

Against an entrepreneurial backdrop that is becoming continually more global, in which internationalization represents a complex challenge for Spanish companies, logistical aspects slow down or hinder this commitment, in the view of 23% of those surveyed.

So it can be seen, according to the survey, that this would be the second ranked aspect regarding hindering Spanish companies’ internationalization, solely behind the complications involved in finding a suitable partner in whom to entrust the above.

Against this backdrop, it is noteworthy that for 51% of the respondents, the facilitation of logistics processes was the most highly appraised criteria when deciding to recruit a partner to handle their international logistics.

This figure stresses the need for solutions that simplify logistical complexities in an effective manner, alongside the capacity to react when faced with unforeseen scenarios, an increasingly common occurrence in foreign trade, thus allowing for companies to accomplish

successfully their cross-border challenges while placing the onus on their overall growth in a more efficient manner.

Furthermore, in recent years, a shift has been noted in companies’ supply chain strategies. Alongside this, increasingly more companies choose to outsource specialist logistics services to manage all of their channels in a unified manner. An increase which has been bolstered, owing to the complexity of eCommerce fulfilment following the recent peak seasons for online sales, namely the Black Friday campaign, Christmas or winter sales.

In this point, a telling 47% of those surveyed have undergone difficulties to deliver products on time, while a further 22% had issues related to mistakes with dispatched orders. Data which bring to light the need to improve efficiency and accuracy vis-á-vis logistics management for many Spanish firms through the recruitment of a specialist to adapt satisfactorily to the new market trends. “At Logisfashion, we keep a close eye on the logistical challenges that are affecting numerous companies and brands, and which have a bearing on their productivity and earnings. With this in mind, as a response to this reality, we continue to strive day in day out to offer our clients streamlined and efficient solutions” said Liliana Labarthe, Head of Corporate Marketing at Logisfashion.


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